The Rent and Transportation Calculator Tutorial Welcome to The Rent and Transportation Calculator! This tool is designed to help students estimate the monetary and travel time costs of various addresses around Larimer and the surrounding counties. It can be used with just one address or two addresses can be compared simultaneously. If you know the exact rent of an address, the estimate can be adjusted after submittal. The travel costs, parking costs, and time costs will also be factored giving you a fairly good idea of how locations and transportation might differ. Let's begin by entering one or two locations; start typing the address(es) and when you see the address(es) appear click on the address(es). If you know your schedule, think about how many days you might travel to campus each week. If you expect to be on campus 3 days a week, pick your travel method for each of those days. You must have at least 1 travel day and the maximum is 7. On your second location you may prefer a different sort of transportation for those days, so you would uncheck the "Use Location #1 Transportation Preferences" checkbox and proceed to adjust the newly populated transportation settings. Typically, you would travel the same number of days for each location based on your schedule. Rental Location #1 Transportation Preferences The monetary and time costs are based on round-trips to and from campus each week. Walking/Longboarding days per week Biking Driving Public Transit Total Days Rental Location #2An optional location for comparison. Transportation Preferences Your transportation's monetary and time costs are summed based on your weekly travel, with at least one assumed round trip each day to campus from this housing location. Walking/Longboarding days per week Biking Driving Public Transit Total Days Use Location #1 Transportation Preferences If your modes of travel will differ to campus from this location, uncheck this box and fill out the secondary location's preferences. Show Map